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Student Handbook 2024-2025

The Centaurus Warrior Logo, an ancient warrior helmet



Mission and Vision Statements


Our mission is to foster educated, engaged, empowered, and compassionate participants in a global society.


Our vision of a proud Centaurus Warrior community includes:

  1. Students who demonstrate HEART:  Honor, Empathy, Achievement, Respect, and Triumph.
  2. Faculty and staff who provide an enriching, progressive, viable curriculum, and safe environment that equitably meet diverse student needs.
  3. Parents and the community who engage in and support the learning process.
Honor Empathy Achievement Respect Triumph

Revised by the Centaurus Faculty and approved by the Centaurus Governance Council 8/14/18

Office Staff


Carlyn Carroll,  Principal

Karl Buck Assistant Principal/Athletic & Activities Director

Andrea Davidson, Assistant Principal (A-G)

Augusto Di Laura, Assistant Principal (H-O)
Jennifer Piggott, Assistant Principal (P-Z)


Sophia Ruiz:  A-E
Allyson Shambo:  F-Lel
Dave Platt: Lem-Rin 
Sarina Gonzales:  Rio - Z


Attendance -  Lindsay Plampin
(720)-561-5358 (Please leave of voicemail)
Athletics - Randy Herbstreit
Community Liaison - Elizabeth Van Leir (habla Espanol)
Counseling - Marla Joy Leonard
Engagement Specialist - Heather Patik
Receptionist - Humberto Silva
(720)-561-7500 (Please leave a voicemail) 
Registrar - Lucy Nash
School Office Manager - Cathy Kakavas
Treasurer - Suyapa Koeller


Bell Schedule

Current Bell Schedule

The Bell Schedule page includes block day lunch schedules and exam schedules.

  • Teachers are available to meet with students during Common Access Time in either their classroom or office.
  • All students are encouraged to attend Academic Time for tutoring, or make up assignments or tests, etc.  Students with one or more “in progress grade” of F are particularly encouraged to attend Academic Time on the Block Day.
  • Students who do not take advantage of the Academic Time opportunity within the classroom will be asked to go to the Student Center, Commons, or Library to study quietly.  Students will not be allowed to linger in the halls during Academic Time.
  • School bus schedule is the same every day and not different on Thursday Early Release or Special Schedules.

Visitor Policy

To ensure student safety and campus security, the following procedures are given for visitors to our campus:

  • Parents and patrons are welcome to visit our school and classrooms after obtaining permission from an administrator.
  • All visitors must sign in at the main office upon entering the building and obtain a visitor’s pass.
  • Students at CHS are not allowed to bring visitors onto the school campus without administrative approval.
  • Former students are always welcome, but are asked to visit after the school day ends (3:00 pm)

Student Handbook

This handbook was prepared to help plan for a successful year at Centaurus High School.  This information will help address many challenges that students may encounter.  

Students are responsible for reviewing and knowing the behavior expectations outlined in this handbook. No handbook can cover every school issue or concern, but our standard of behavior is that students and adults are allowed to work effectively without disruption to the learning environment. Consider this handbook a guide to a successful school year.  

We believe that:

  • Everyone has the right to learn without interference.
  • Everyone should give and receive respect.
    Everyone should feel safe. 
  • Everyone is expected to be in class, on time, and ready to learn, during every class every day.
  • Everyone must cooperate with the special situations within each individual classroom and with each individual teacher.

It is a goal at CHS to teach citizenship and responsibility for one’s actions. Students at CHS are expected to use conduct which is appropriate for a given situation.

Open Campus

Along with other high schools in the district, CHS has an open campus. The increased freedom that an open campus provides requires a greater degree of personal responsibility. The vast majority of Centaurus students handle the increased responsibility extremely well. Understand that the open campus is a privilege, not a right. Students who accumulate excessive unexcused absences, or who fail to maintain passing grades are subject to having the campus closed to them. If campus is closed to a student, he/she will be assigned to a study hall during lunch and free periods. During the study hall period, the student will be required to make progress toward passing classes and maintaining perfect attendance. Open campus may be restored to a student if he/she improves academic performance and attendance enough to re-earn the open campus privilege.


Students are reminded that there is to be only ONE student to a locker.  It is the responsibility of each student to keep lockers clean inside and out.  Any student defacing lockers (writing, banging, or tampering) will be reprimanded and may lose the privilege of the use of a locker.  DO NOT share your combination with anyone.  Lockers are school property and are on loan to students. School administration has the legal right to inspect lockers at any time.

Lockers may be requested from Counseling.

Parking Lot

Licensed CHS students (Grades 11 and 12) who are currently enrolled are welcome to drive their vehicles to school if the car they are driving has a current parking permit, which may be purchased from the treasurer for $50. Students are not assigned to an individual space; however, they must park in authorized student parking areas (Main Lot). Buying a sticker only provides you with the opportunity to park on campus, as parking is becoming more limited each year.

Faculty, reserved, student, visitor, and handicapped areas are clearly marked.  

  • When bringing a vehicle that does not have a current parking permit, the student driver must register it at the attendance office upon arrival at school.  
  • Students parking in the Centaurus lot without a parking permit will be issued a warning. Upon receipt of the warning, the student must report to the treasurer's office to arrange for the purchase of a parking permit.
  • Failure to purchase a parking permit will result in the vehicle being towed and the suspension of student parking privileges for the remainder of the school year.
  • Students parked in No Parking Zones, Staff, Reserved, Visitor, or Handicapped Parking will incur an automatic $20 fine. 
  • Habitually violating the parking policy will result in removal of parking privileges on campus. Reckless driving will also result in removal of these privileges. Additional discipline may also be invoked for parking and driving violations, as well as police involvement.


C-Squad is a program that combines juniors and seniors with ninth graders to help transition the younger students into high school.  Freshmen get to know their 360° leaders personally through a series of carefully planned and practiced activities.  360° leaders are responsible for inviting freshmen to school activities and assisting them in making good decisions about their school experience.  360° leaders are role models assisting freshmen throughout their first year at Centaurus to create a school culture of dignity, respect, and success.

At each class level, the Senate gives direction and leadership for ongoing activities such as spirit building, fundraising, and community service.  The Homecoming display is a major activity for each class. Monies earned from fundraisers are used to finance the junior/senior prom and a senior gift to the school upon graduation.

General Information
Student Council is a student government organization that acts as a liaison between school administration and students. Students also coordinate pep assemblies, dances and other school sponsored activities.

Event Guest Passes must be approved and signed by an administrator prior to the event. A guest pass is needed if the guest is out of school or attends another school. The guest cannot be over the age of 21.



All students enrolled at Centaurus High School shall be eligible to represent our school in Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA) sanctioned interscholastic activities if the student meets the following specific requirements:

  • During the period of participation, the student must be enrolled in courses which offer, in aggregate, a minimum of 2.5 Carnegie units (5 classes) of credit per semester and must not be failing more than the equivalent of one-half Carnegie unit of credit (1 class) each semester.
  • Eligibility is always for a week in advance and runs the following Monday - Saturday each week.
  • Academic Eligibility Periodic Checks will be done on a weekly basis.  Student-athletes are responsible for monitoring their grades each week and will have conversations with their coaches once per week concerning eligibility. The Athletic Office will check student-athlete eligibility each week.


  • All students wishing to participate in athletics must sign the District code of conduct, including the prohibition on sexual harassment and sexual violence. This code states that the student is prohibited to use, possess or exchange alcohol, tobacco (Vapor Pens included) or other illegal drugs.
  • Participants will abide by general school and community principles of good sportsmanship and conduct.
  • Participants shall maintain appropriate standards of academic performance and class attendance. 
  • This code is in effect all year, including when school is not in session, and when the athletes are not in season.
  • This code is in effect for the student’s entire high school career.
  • The first violation of the code will result in suspension from 20% of the regular scheduled.
  • A second offense will result in suspension from 50% of the regular scheduled games, and a third offense will result in suspension from all athletics for one calendar year.
  • See the Interscholastic Athletic Code in the Sports Registration Packet for further details.


All students will participate in the CHS four year advisory program. Students receive a letter grade for advisory. The default grade is an A if the student attends regularly and participates in the advisory activities. However, the advisory grade will be lowered by one letter for each unexcused absence in advisory class. Advisory will take place between second and fourth periods each Thursday of weeks with a modified block schedule. 

The following is an advisory overview: 

  • Advisory connects every student to Centaurus High School. For all four years at CHS, students meet with their advisor in a small class setting. This helps to create a community feeling and a sense of belonging. Since every student is in an Advisory class, it is the perfect venue for sharing information, reviewing goals and grades, attending assemblies, and participating in common school activities.
  • Centaurus is unique in that it has chosen to incorporate skills that help prepare students for life after high school through personality inventories, career assessment and research, college searches and applications, scholarship searches, interviewing skills, job skills, financial literacy, and many more career-related activities. Because this information is helpful throughout a student’s high school career, Centaurus spreads the curriculum over all four years of high school – building on and at times revisiting important concepts.
  • CHS school goals are present and reinforced at all four grade levels: literacy skills, weekly academic/intervention time, post-secondary preparation, and community service projects.
  • Starting each year with an established Advisory family helps to make back–to-school easier and provides students with accountability and support throughout the year.
  • Students will complete their high school experience by graduating as an Advisory class at the CHS commencement ceremony. 


Points of Contact


Advanced Placement

Jennifer Piggott
Reagan Duranksi    


Mrs. Plampin - Attendance Office


Mr. Buck/Mr. Herbstreit - Main Office


Ms. Lieberman 

Bus Schedules

Mrs. Plampin - Attendance Office

Career Enrichment

Counseling Office


Class Schedules

Counselors - Counseling Office

Free/Reduced Lunch Applications

Mrs. Koeller-Amador – Treasurer

Graduation Requirements

Counselors – Counseling Office


Home/Community Assistance           

Elizabeth Van Leir - Counseling Office

Homework pick-up during illness

Counseling Office


Iliad (Yearbook)

Ms. Johns  – Language Arts Office


Health Room- Main office


International Baccalaureate

Mrs. Wintergerst - Counseling Office


Ms. Turgel 



Ms. Ktsanes and Ms. Bouska

Locker Malfunction

Mrs. Leonard - Counseling Office

Locker Numbers & Combinations

Mrs. Leonard - Counseling Office

Lost & Found

Mrs. Plampin – Attendance

Warrior Scroll-School Newspaper

Ms. Ascarrunz

Parking Permit   

Mrs. Koeller-Amador - Treasurer

Payment of fees/yearbook/fines    

Mrs. Koeller-Amador – Treasurer


Catherine Barnes

Academic help    

Counselors – Counseling

School Safety Advocate     

Mr. Rueben Rojas


Schedule of events      

Athletic/Activity Office


Lucy Nash - Registrar


Transfer to another school       


Lucy Nash - Registrar


Withdrawal from school      

Lucy Nash - Counseling